
In a recent report, it has been predicted that the Global sales for pet apparel will reach $7 Billion by 2032. It is said that the compound annual growth rate will hit 5%. This is a HUGE industry for us to tap into. We have already started looking at various designs, as well as partners to team up with.

However, whilst we have a dog as our mascot, we are not solely focussing on animal apparel and brand Coopy will be delving into the “human” market for apparel. There is a growing trend for pet owners to want to “sync” with their furry friend so we will be targeting animal lovers and none owners alike.

We are in discussions with notable fashion designers to bring out collections for both markets.

Not only will we be looking at “real world” fashion, as part of our project we will also be delving into the digital apparel market

There is an appetite for individuals to experiment with their fashion in the Virtual World.

In 2019, Fortnite had a revenue of $3.6 Billion from fashion related items. This is equivalent and also higher than some of the big fashion houses that we know of. Virtual apparel is another side that we will be working on especially as we dive deeper into the development of our own Metaverse…the Coopyverse…AKA COOPY WONDERLAND!

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